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Lashae’s Bootcamp

Posted by ccbmarketing on February 28, 2009

Boot Camp defined. Efficient workouts that work your entire body– heart and muscles–by moving from one exercise to another without rest.   Expect calisthenics (i.e. pushups, jumping jacks), ab crunches and other body weight exercises…the difference lies in the intensity.   These workouts challenge you take your body to its limit.  This is a real calorie burner; expect to sweat.

Boot camp workouts are:

  • A great way to burn lots of calories.

  • Efficient – you work your whole body in a short period of time.

  • Power metrics with cardiovascular

  • Weights with extreme blast

  • Monitoring of Diet

  • Fun – each exercise is different so you don’t get bored.

  • Easy to fit in to a busy schedule

  • As challenging as you want them to be.

Cost? $175.00 for 16 sessions (2x per week for two months)

When? 2 Sessions to choose from:

March 3 – April 23 | Tuesdays and Thursdays

Early Bird: Tuesday & Thursday 5:15-6:15 am sharp!

Rush Hour: Tuesday & Thursday 6:00-7:00 am sharp!

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Posted by ccbmarketing on February 28, 2009

What is Corporate Fitness? This phrase is commonly recommended for performance-oriented people in business; many perform key senior roles in corporations. What keeps such a person physically fit to perform their role each day?

  1. A refreshed feeling at start of each day.

  2. Energetic most of the day.

  3. Healthy eating habits; remain hydrated.

  4. Heart health (low resting heart rate, normal blood pressure, nominal cholesterol count).

  5. Purge mental and emotional stress from the day.

  6. Physical stamina.

  7. Moderate physical strength.

  8. Power napping.


1. A refreshed feeling at the start of each day. To remain healthy every day, set a time to rise and turn in each workday without fail. Sticking to it will give your body the rest it needs to function optimally each day. If you have +/-5 minutes each morning before you prepare for the day, stretch the full body; it’ll wake you up and subtly get your heart pumping.

2. Energetic most of the day. This is accomplished through a restful night’s sleep, healthy eating habits, purging stress from your body and power napping (as needed-see below). Of your daily caloric intake, break it into 5-6 small meals every 2.5-3hrs. Smaller meals will fuel your performance without playing roller coaster rides with your blood sugar level; consuming larger, fatty meals with added sugar (i.e. fried food, oily or cream-based sauces) often cause drowsiness 45mins or so later.

3. Healthy eating habits, stay hydrated. This includes breakfast, lunch and dinner plus healthy snacks in between; snacks are healthy food in small portions vs. empty junk food. Drink 10oz water after each meal to remain hydrated; hydration keeps your organs running smooth and fosters clear skin. Healthy foods include naturally fed white poultry and lean meats, plain fish, multigrains, complex carbohydrates, vegetables, fruits.  Experience consistent benefits from baking, broiling and stir frying food with dry seasoning (and water). Keep refined sugar, salt, fat or cholesterol within your diet to a nominal minimum. Watch the glycemic index on your foods (their sugar content); eat about a third portion of high glycemic foods [such as fruits] after a meal to absorb their nutritional value while minimizing their sugar effect. Good eating habits will give you the vitamins and minerals your body needs to stay healthy. For days you cannot eat as good as you’d like, swallow a pack of natural multi-vitamins after a meal; some packs recommend consuming them twice a day (after breakfast and lunch is fine). Note: the body will excrete the unused vitamins within several hours of swallowing them. On especially busy days, 2-3 scoops of meal replacement powder in 16-20oz of water, or a natural energy or protein bar plus 10oz water on offer a nutritional snack.

4. Heart health (low resting heart rate, normal blood pressure, nominal cholesterol count). Eat foods with safe cholesterol (white poultry, lean natural meat, fish, avocado, some raw unsalted nuts, egg whites). Season them with dry natural spices vs sauces; stir fry them in a teaspoon of extra virgin olive oil, 2-3 tablespoons of natural broth (chicken, veggie or beef) or filtered water. Grains such as oats or millet lower blood cholesterol to keep blood flowing freely through your circulatory system. Using cardio machines in the gym with interval programs (coast and intensity) will help subtly raise your target heart rate and metabolic rate such that your resting heart rate will decrease and your Base Metabolic Rate (BMR) will increase. A low resting heart rate (more work with less effort) will normalize your blood pressure; high BMR enables you to burn calories with little effort (burn more calories at rest).

5. Purge mental and emotional stress daily. Give yourself private time each day or every other day for this, perhaps a walk, meditation, etc; a workout or cardio program delivers as well.  This time ought to leave you: feeling refreshed, energized and with mental clarity to solve issues. Your mate, family and friends will like your consistently pleasant attitude.

6. Physical stamina. Achieve this is by training your body to raise its anaerobic tolerance (unoxygenated physical stress). Working up to this gradually is safest on your muscles and joints; once you’ve got it use different means to maintain it. Intervalled cardio programs offer the best way to a) raise your target heart rate, b) raise tolerance to anaerobic respiration and stress (giving you stamina) which in turn c) builds strength in those muscles and d) raises your BMR. Here’s how: Cardio Walk 1) walk (treadmill or outdoors) at a pace of 55% of your target heart rate (THR) for 10 full minutes twice a day (before breakfast/after lunch or after lunch/dinner) (THR = (220 – your age) x 55%). Cardio 2) Use an intervalled cardio program of one machine for 20mins or two for 15mins each 2-3x per week. Coast for 2mins to start as warm up and 1min to cool down at end. In-between, coast during low intensity intervals (to rest) and gradually pour on power during high intensity intervals (raising heart rate; evolving power is safe, overdoing power causes injuries. Bring a clear electrotyle + protein drink to sip during the program; 1 packet (2tbsp) of Hammer Gel in 8oz of water lasts +/-45m (find in REI stores). Note: if you’re able to workout regularly, move the cardiowalk to after your workouts.

7. Moderate physical strength. Corporate fitness is not about building great strength or muscle size, it’s about building strength to maintain healthy strong bones, taught/toned muscles, a fairly flat firm stomach and a strong lower back. All these parts help maintain good posture, promote endorphins in the body and leave you feeling healthy most of the time. Your fitness level and availability to visit the gym will dictate how often and how many times a week you train; at least twice a week will help, three-four times per week for 90 minutes each yields a high ROI. Assuming you last trained 3 months ago, start from scratch. Start with a full-body stretch followed by a machine-oriented circuit program (15 reps per machine) then 15 a minute cardiowalk (explained above) twice a week for the first 4 weeks, stretch again at the end of the cardiowalk; if you can fit in a 20min intervalled cardio program 1-2 more times per week it helps. Add 1 circuit plus cardio walk for a more advanced level; add 2 circuits with cardio walks if you’re further advanced; the amount of effort you put into these circuits will determine their results.*

8.  Power napping. Sometimes you get tired enough in the middle of the day that you cannot function. Pushing through it or consuming stimulants (caffeine) builds up this functionless feeling to leave you wiped out later in the day. If you can make the time, take 20-30 minutes to powernap in a quiet place near you that’s conducive to restful sleep; use the alarm on your cell phone to wake you. That sleep can do more to refresh you for the rest of the day than you think; use it as needed.


Note: It ought to take 30-45 days to establish the habits outlined above; reminding the people you communicate with to be supportive will help you achieve the goal. Once its set, you’ll operate better; people will notice.

* LL Cool J’s Platinum Workout; James Todd Smith, David Honig, p 24-25


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